A New Token Standard - What are ERC404s?

A New Token Standard - What are ERC404s?


ERC404s are a novel token standard that combines the characteristics of ERC20 and ERC721, allowing for enhanced liquidity and fractionalization in the cryptocurrency domain. Pandora (PANDORA) is the first token based on this standard, experiencing rapid growth and demonstrating significant market potential.

Feb 6, 2024 9:01 AM
Key points

- ERC404s are a novel and experimental token standard that combines characteristics of ERC20 and ERC721 standards. - ERC404s aim to achieve liquidity and fractionalization in tokens. - ERC404s integrate functionalities of fungible tokens (ERC20) and non-fungible tokens (ERC721) in a unified framework. - Pandora (PANDORA) is the first token based on the ERC404 standard. - Pandora combines aspects of ERC20 and ERC721 tokens to enable liquidity and fractionalization of NFTs. - Pandora has experienced rapid growth and has a valuation of over $70 million. - ERC404 tokens like Pandora can be purchased on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and NFT marketplaces. - Uniswap is a popular DEX where Pandora can be traded as an ERC20 token. - Pandora is also available on NFT marketplaces like Blur as a fractionalized NFT. - ERC404s have opened new possibilities in DeFi and NFT sectors. - Pandora's growth demonstrates the market potential of ERC404s.


ERC404s are like special tokens in the cryptocurrency world that blend the best features of two other tokens, kind of like a magical creature that has the powers of two different animals. This special token can do cool things like being split into smaller parts and being used in different ways in places where people trade and play with cryptocurrency. It's still new and being tested, but people are really excited about it and think it could be a big deal! Imagine having a toy that can transform into different things and everyone wants to play with it!

Story as summary

Once upon a time in the mystical land of Cryptopia, a groundbreaking discovery was made: the ERC404s. These tokens, born from the fusion of ERC20 and ERC721 standards, possessed an extraordinary power - the ability to combine liquidity and fractionalization in a single entity. The news spread like wildfire, captivating the attention of the inhabitants of Cryptopia. In the bustling city of Defium, a talented young artist named Pandora was creating something truly extraordinary. Using the ERC404 standard, Pandora crafted unique and fractionalized NFTs that captured the essence of her imagination. Her creations, imbued with both liquidity and fractional ownership, fascinated the art enthusiasts of Cryptopia. Meanwhile, in the heart of the city, a group of daring adventurers known as the Defi Seekers embarked on a quest for riches and innovation. Armed with their knowledge of decentralized finance, they sought the power of the ERC404s. Their journey led them to the legendary Uniswap, where they traded Pandora's tokens and reveled in the dynamic market. As the popularity of ERC404s grew, a mysterious marketplace called Blur emerged on the outskirts of Cryptopia. It was a realm where the boundaries of reality and imagination blurred, and Pandora's fractionalized NFTs found their new home. The enchanted marketplace offered a unique dimension of trading and ownership, captivating the hearts of collectors and traders alike. In the end, the story of the ERC404s was not just a tale of innovation and potential. It was a testament to the power of unity, where the fusion of seemingly separate elements created something greater than the sum of its parts. The journey of Pandora, the Defi Seekers, and the inhabitants of Cryptopia highlighted the boundless possibilities that the ERC404 standard brought to the world of decentralized finance and NFTs. And as the value of Pandora's creations soared to new heights, it became clear that the future of Cryptopia was forever changed by the groundbreaking ERC404s.

ERC404s represent a novel and experimental token standard in the cryptocurrency domain, essentially blending the characteristics of ERC20 and ERC721 standards. This hybridization aims to achieve both liquidity and fractionalization native to the token. Unlike the traditional separation seen in ERC20 (commonly used for fungible tokens like cryptocurrencies) and ERC721 (used for non-fungible tokens or NFTs), ERC404 endeavors to integrate these functionalities in a unified framework.

This integration allows for new possibilities in token usage and flexibility, particularly in decentralized finance (DeFi) and NFTs, where each NFT can be fractionalized and interact seamlessly in DeFi ecosystems. However, being an experimental standard, ERC404 is still in its early stages of adoption and undergoing rigorous testing to ensure its robustness and reliability.


What is the PANDORA ERC404?

Pandora (PANDORA) is the first token based on the ERC404 standard, combining aspects of ERC20 and ERC721 tokens to enable native liquidity and fractionalization of NFTs. This innovative approach allows for more versatile use in DeFi platforms.

Since its launch, Pandora has experienced rapid growth, skyrocketing to a valuation of over $70 million. This remarkable surge highlights the market's interest and potential confidence in the novel ERC404 standard, despite it being in an experimental phase.

Where to Buy ERC404s?

To purchase ERC404 tokens like Pandora (PANDORA), you can explore both decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and NFT marketplaces, thanks to their unique hybrid nature. For trading in a more conventional cryptocurrency format, you can visit popular DEXs like Uniswap, which caters to ERC20 tokens. On Uniswap, you can trade Pandora’s WETH/PANDORA pool much like any other crypto token, taking advantage of its liquidity and market dynamics.

Simultaneously, given its ERC721 characteristics, Pandora is also available on NFT marketplaces like Blur. This allows you to deal with Pandora as a fractionalized NFT, offering a different dimension of trading and ownership.

Bottom Line

In summary, ERC404s, exemplified by Pandora (PANDORA), mark a groundbreaking development in the crypto space, merging ERC20 and ERC721 features for enhanced liquidity and fractionalization. This innovative standard has not only opened new doors in DeFi and NFT sectors but also demonstrated significant market potential, as evidenced by Pandora's rapid growth to over $70 million in value.